Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Art of Design

為甚麼好的設計會來自於差的設計呢? ScottWhy Good Design Comes from Bad Design 提到攻讀 CMU Computer Science 博士時選了門介面設計課,第一堂課上他發現一位年輕人素描著隨身聽的各種變異版本,而且圖紙上已經堆積了三、四十種不同考量的版本了。 Scott 於是湊過去問這個小伙子「幹嘛費勁畫那麼多草稿?」,小伙子發楞了好一會才笑著回說:

I don't know what a good idea looks like until I've seen the bad ones.
經過時日洗煉, Scott 後來也體會到當初認為多餘的作法,其背後的精神,他提到:
Each new idea I sketched out was more informed than the last. Each bad idea illustrated some important aspect of the problem that I hadn't thought about before. Out of every five or six ideas, I'd have one or two that might be feasible.
I learned the right way to present ideas–you have to show the other candidates in order to help support the good ones.
When the design student showed me his sketches, he was showing me that he was a designer. All creative, talented people recognize the value of process, and have no concerns about revealing to others that it takes many bad ideas to obtain good ones.
這讓我想到 C++ 的老爸 Bjarne Stroustrup 也曾經提到:
At the start of an ambitious development project, we do not know the best way to structure the system. Often, we don't even know precisely what the system should do because particulars will become clear only through the effort of building, testing, and using the system. How - short of building the complete system - do we get the information necessary to understand what design decisions are significant and to estimate their ramifications?
-- ref. The C++ Programmming Language, p710
這段 William 翻譯如下:
-- ref. 中譯本, p930
知道要「作實驗」是個好啟發,卻不夠充分,因為我知道只有能很容易進行實驗的情況下,來談多作實驗才顯得實際。實驗容易進行,人們才有耐性多嚐試,一次又一次、反覆、輕快地測試各個主意,如此,設計才有機會趨於完善。這也是為甚麼大家開發軟體時會找個合用的 framework 來執行 Unit Testing
人們進行設計時,常常將一個大系統拆成一塊一塊,然後一次一小塊,個別考量。每一小塊都琢磨得差不多了,再把它們組一組,最後「啪」一聲,整個系統就完成了 :)
  • 夠獨立,不會互相干擾。
  • 夠彈性,滿足抽換的需求。
例如設計自走車時,我們不將輪子的輪軸跟馬達的傳動軸直接連起來,而是在兩者中間放個聯軸器(a shaft coupling)的裝置,如此抽換馬達或輪子時都可以省許多功夫。
也許剛好自己較熟這塊,總覺得軟體的模組設計花招更多,以 OO 領域來說,相關準則有:
  • Open-Closed Principle
    • Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification
    • Principle of Encapsulation of Variation
  • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Dependence Inversion Principle
    • Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
    • Program to an interface, not an implementation
  • Composit/Aggregate Reuse Principle
  • Law of Demeter -- Least Knowledge Principle
    • Only talk to your immediate friends. Don't talk to strangers
  • Interface Segregation Principle
優秀的程式師總是在思索、尋求「一勞永逸」的作法。學習時不妨從具體案例開始;學成應用時,要改而著重背後的精隨,才不會被細節淹沒。這些年下來,我體會到這個精隨就是「因應變化而設計(Design for Change)」。
要明白 Design for Change ,這裡強烈推薦翻翻 Refactoring 裡提出的壞味。個人認為其中又以下列兩個壞味最為深刻: